Quilting Bee Raises $10,687.87 in One Day

2017-quilting-beeHosted by the Siouxland Samplers Quilt Guild, Inc. The 4th annual Quiltin’ Bee was held in February at the Moville Community Center. The Siouxland Samplers Quilt Guild is made up of 100 plus members around the Sioux City area.  The guild was founded in 1988 and the members strive to make the community a better place by using their skills to benefit various community projects.This year with 124 quilters present they raised $10,687.87 in one day with proceeds donated to the June E. Nylen Cancer Center. They have raised nearly $40,000 in four years for the Cancer Center.Besides a fun day of quilting, fellowship, and eating, there was a Quilty Rummage Sale. The quilters enjoyed three demos throughout the day where they received kits to make their own projects. In addition, everyone was encouraged to make a quilt block. These blocks were placed on a flannel board and with this they received their name in a drawing.  The lucky winner puts the quilt together and brings the finished project to next year's Bee to show everyone.